Recognize that lyric? If so, you really know your music! It's from the hit by Loius Armstrong, "What a Wonderful World", a beautiful song that always reminds me of the simple pleasures of life.
Christmas Day,1976. My brothers and I had been closely watching 'the' present for weeks, hoping and suspecting it just might be the original 'Super Pong' video game. Not only was Super Pong the most sought after prize of the season, it was sold exclusively at Sears (my parents got everything at Sears), and, we had only begged for it no less than a hundred-gazillion times!
Yes! There it was! In a matter of moments, with that little Christmas miracle, we became the most popular family in the neighborhood. No kidding, we could have charged admission into our Living Room and made a quick fortune. Gazing at a gray screen with a tiny white spot moving slowly from side to side and the occasional "blip" sound ringing out to the masses, we sat and watched in awe, anxiously awaiting our turn to experience the best game around.
Now, I sit and watch our 6 year old daughter and her sisters, with lightning fast precision, master the Rock Band game with a skill I'll never have. Shucks, I don't think my brain could process information that fast if my life depended on it! They will, no doubt, experience things that I'll never know. My dad passed away in 1995 and never understood what the internet was capable of. My mom, bless her heart, is just getting a grasp on the DVD player, and I can't quite get the hang of text messaging yet. Nevertheless, time marches on and every day becomes a little 'smarter' that the one before.
Knowledge is something to grasp onto with every chance that arises. Wisdom, on the other hand, is something to be cherished, with every passing experience in our lives. My grandfather was one of the wisest men I'll ever know. He went to a one room schoolhouse and I'm not quite sure if he even graduated. Yet, he taught me some very valuable lessons: 'right is right and wrong is wrong', 'learn to use a hammer without smashing your hand', 'respect your elders', and 'read your Bible daily'.
James 3:13 says this: "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." Wisdom shines through a person's character. Wisdom makes good use of knowledge, and wisdom seeks God's will in all things.
A friend of mine was a 'self-made millionaire' in the true sense of the word. He seemed to have made all of the right decisions. I discovered his 'secret' some years later. Simply this: he prays about every decison he makes, and he consults with his wife before he ever moves forward... a true man of wisdom! Proverbs 3:6 says; "In all your ways acknowledge Him (the Lord), and He will direct your path".
Now, take a 2 minute break to watch this video. Relax, remember things you've learned from wise people in your life, and ponder on how wise our Creator is. Enjoy.
One Thing Remains
It has been a long, hard year.
Two kids in three different schools means lots of change, collaboration,
uncertainty and flexibility.
Yet, in the midst o...
8 years ago